
I was asked by some dear friends of mine, Randy and Renee Kay from Randy Kay Ministries, to create a video about grief. Everyday people from all over the world are writing to them, sharing their stories and asking for prayer because of the loss of a loved one. As many of you know, I lost my son Nathan six years ago. A few years after he died, I decided I wanted to come alongside others who are grieving, so I began studying and got my grief support certification.
In this video, I share my story, and the things I have experienced and learned over the last six years. Hope this is a help to you or someone you know who has lost a loved one, or experiencing grief.


    • Joy Alessi

    • 2 years ago

    Sheri, thank you so much for sharing your experience. My journey through the grief and pain of losing my son has been so similar to yours and it has been very healing and validating to hear my heart be poured out through your words. You are a blessing and I thank you.

      • Sheri

      • 2 years ago

      Thank you so much Joy for reaching out! I’m so sorry for the loss of your son. May God continue to comfort you and be so near to you.
      How old was your son and can you tell me his name?
      Bless you,

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