I was at church this morning, and a line in one of the songs we sang really spoke to me-
Proof in His wounds
The proof of His love is in His wounds.
I thought of the many scars on my legs from our car crash in 1999, when my family and I were all thrown out onto the highway. Each scar tells the story of my suffering saviour and His unfailing love.
I then thought about all the internal scars; the triggers, the pain- they too tell the story of the One who sees me and walks beside me through the darkest hours of my soul; the loss of my son.
His scars and mine, hold a powerful testimony of the One who never fails.
My scars proclaim encounters with God that changed my life forever.
And If my scars could talk they would say,
“I have seen the One who has seen me”
What a simply beautiful story
What a simply beautiful story